Empower Your ADHD Journey with Proven Strategies and Support

Do you find yourself constantly battling distraction and disorganization, feeling overwhelmed by the chaos? Are impulsive decisions, forgotten details, and missed deadlines causing frustration and regret? Does procrastination weigh heavily on you, leaving you stressed and anxious? Perhaps mood swings and irritability are straining your relationships, and chronic underachievement is eroding your self-esteem, making you feel inadequate and misunderstood.


Unlock your potential with expert advice, insight and practical tools for managing ADHD.


Living with ADHD presents unique challenges. From managing daily tasks to regulating emotions, each day can feel like an uphill battle. [image of sisyphus]You don’t have to navigate it alone. I 've developed comprehensive resources designed to help adults with ADHD improve executive function and emotional regulation. Discover actionable strategies, practical, compassionate support and expert advice tailored specifically for you.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your productivity, manage your emotions more effectively, or simply understand ADHD better, I offer guidance and strategies to help you succeed.

Success Stories

  • Being diagnosed with ADHD began a process that would lead me to completely reevaluate all the attitudes and beliefs I held about myself and start to feel liberated.

  • ADHD was not on my radar but clearly should have been. Learning how to pin point what was happening in my brain, how I was reacting to it and then learn how to better calm and control my impulses has been eye opening and life changing.

  • Learning about ADHD has helped me understand myself and it's helped my whole family understand themselves. We've learned how living with someone with ADHD can effect the entire household. It's profound to recognize the true source of so many issues my family has struggled with over the years.

  • Having the insight about ADHD is life-changing and freeing because you can finally understand yourself. I'm always rooting for others to pursue the diagnosis because it has helped me so much.


Every individual's experience with ADHD is different, but common threads bind us.

You might find yourself overwhelmed by disorganization, battling forgetfulness, or struggling to deal with criticism and feelings of rejection. I know that these challenges can affect your personal and professional life, making it difficult to achieve your goals and find balance.

I offer a comprehensive approach that combines evidence-based therapies, personalized coaching, and practical strategies designed to help you.

Discover how personalized support and understanding can elevate very aspect of your life.

Let's connect and create a plan tailored just for you.

Call or Text 607-743-4536 or email at srapp@stny.rr.com for a free consultation.